Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Students Guide in Trondheim, Arrival Checklist

After your arrival as a student in Trondheim, Norway, there are 16 activities you should do to make your stay comfortable and legal. Does it sounds too much? Yes, it is. But, don't get upset. I will help you to make your arrival easier and less panic. Follow step by step my guide, and you will find things are organized well! In a brief word, there are three main things that you should do: register yourself to Norway government, register yourself to NTNU study system, and register yourself to Indonesian Embassy in Norway. It sounds easy. First of all you need to report to KBRI Oslo about your arrival, then you have to report address change to the nearest post office, then normally as a student you have to register for class and pay the semester fee, and get your Student ID and semester card. Then you have to apply for residence permit, and National Population Register (Norwegian ID number). Opening bank account, and you are only one step away from register for your personal physician. All the steps will be finished by November or December, if you arrive on August.

Do you want more complete information? Visit my slide in

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