Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Students Guide in Trondheim - First Three Days in Trondheim

Hello, reader! This week I'm coming back by telling you what are important things we should do during our first day in Trondheim? First of all, we arrive safely in Værnes Airport in Trondheim, then we should try to exchange money to Norwegian Krone )NOK, because currency used in Trondheim (and all Norway) is NOK. Then, go to Moholt Studentby by Værnesekspressenbus. After that you stop in Moholt or Moholt Studentby bus station, and then you pick up your key in SiT Bolig. It is somehow difficult for the first time to find where is your apartment building, but the map in my slide will help you much! You must be feel hungry, isn't it? Then grab your food supply in the nearest supermarket like Bunnpris, Rema 1, or Kiwi. Don't forget to eat healthy food and have enough sleep! Day 2, because you are newcomer, you need to buy buscard from AtB Store (Buscard company in Trondheim). Don't forget to bring your passport and admission letter to NTNU to buy student price card. On day 3, you can buy cheapest utility and equipment for your next life in Trondheim. Also if you want cheaper price, you can join with Students Market Trondheim Group in Facebook.

Do you want more complete information? Visit my slide in

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