Minggu, 17 April 2011
Perfect Date Ever
what is your perfect date moment? some will say it will be sunset in beautiful place, ora cool night in the top of the building, when you could see the cityscape from the top,with someone that you love. everybody could define their own perfect date, unforgottablemoment with the one you love. my definition for perfect date is nor in the romantic beach, nor in the highest mountainthat i could see the landscape and the light in the night, though I won't miss for thatmoment also. perfect date for me is when you are in the middle of the jungle, misseseveryone, feel so lonely and wondering when could you escape from that remote area,then all of a sudden someone that you always expected to come but you know it's soimpossible to meet suddenly comes up in front of you. You know that he is busy, heactually has many things to do, but the fact is he come by just to see you and make surethat you are okay. He didn't even has a business in that jungle, or I don't think the jungleis worthwhile to be visited. And it's so funny why i couldn't stop smiling that day, there's no cinema so we could sawmovies, no interesting place that we can stop by and see. We're just go to karaoke oldsong, because there's no update song in the old karaoke place. Afterwards, no romanticcandle light dinner, but that's one of the delicious food I've ever tasted. we're singing andplaying guitar, sing our favourite song together and laugh. We keep talking and catchingup the update, oh I will never bored to chat and jokes around with him :), and the timehas reached, it's late, and we have to go sleep. he didn't even have place to sleep, but some how he figure out the way..and he saideverything will be ok. and that night, I feel so happy that I want to cry, which I'll neverfeel before. tomorrow comes, and he has to come back before the sun, to catch bus backto his town,,and he is gone, as fast as he greet good morning and take care. No words was said, but I know that he love me :)..perfect date ever..
Selasa, 05 April 2011
Dreams that Keeps Me Alive
For the last two month, I found myself really lack of motivation. I don't think all that I've done is worthwhile, and I'm not sure this is the job I'm happy to do. I miss those moments when I woke up with full of spirits, really curious to begin a day because I like what I'm doing. It's been so long since I feel actually I'm dead, I'm not doing anything, I lose my proactivity, I'm lazy to open my eyes and face the reality. I just want to do my job, and that's all, because everyday will be the same day. And in the night, I'll be happy because one day is over. And I welcome another boring day. Sometimes, I wonder, how I can escape from this situation? And the answer come at one silent night in my room. When I see my old notes that by a sudden appear again, I remember my beautiful dreams about a year ago. I want to be a light, I want to be an inspiration. How could I forget all these good stuff? And now, I remember that this may the path that will lead me to my dream, and even the worst problem may become a great experience. And for once more, I'm wondering what I really want to achieve in life, before I die, what are dreams that keeps me alive, brings me up when I'm in the lowest point of life, and enlarge my patience to what I'm doing now, because deepdown inside, whether I want or not, I know that this time will be precious moment for me, and I will be grateful for all these things. Dreams Dreams Dreams ohhh Dream It! 1. Travelling All Part of The World.. 2. Get Master Degree Abroad, in business/engineering 3. Contribute Something to Society 4. Own family business in processing technology (I still have processing feel deep down in my heart) 5. Working Outside Indonesia I still think life is worthwhile, even in the worst condition, and I really could do something to make it worthful! This feeling keeps me alive..
Senin, 04 April 2011
Well Completion Design dari Sisi Seorang Dummy
Karena baru-baru ini diassign menjadi engineer wireline cased hole, makanya aku jadi tertarik soal completion design. Darimana sieh datangnya program-program workover itu? Apakah jatuh dari langit? Kan ga mungkin ya..Padahal selama ini aku cuma dapet program yang udah jadi, tapi ga tau darimana asal usul program itu.. Pasti para engineer reservoir udah memikirkan program apa yang cocok untuk wellnya..dan program tersebut pastinya ga sama untuk semua well. Karena tiap well itu unik, kayak manusia, makanya tiap well harus dapet treatment yang berbeda.. Menurut artikel yang aku baca ada beberapa hal-hal mendasar yang harus didesain pada saat completion, di antaranya: Perforation program: biasanya program ini bakal aku dapetin kalo mau job perforating. Perforation program ini ditentukan dari data reservoir yang udah ada, dan akan menentukan influx capacity dari well yang akan diproduksi. Hal-hal yang didesain pada program perforating ini di antaranya adalah: shot per foot, interval perforation, jenis gun, jenis charge, dan tentunya depth dari reservoir yang akan diperfo. Hmmm…yang jelas jangan sampai salah menentukan zona perforating ini, soalnya kalo ga, bisa2 bukannya minyak dan dollar yang kita dapat…malahan kita dapat loss dan air saja..Teknik untuk perforasi yang akan digunakan juga harus dipertimbangkan, apakah ingin menggunakan tubing conveyed perforating atau wireline perforating Spesifikasi tubing: dari data reservoir capacity dan well test, kita bisa menentukan berapa sebaiknya ukuran tubing yang kita gunakan untuk mendapatkan produksi yang optimal dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Untuk masalah grade tubing dan ketebalannya, faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah kondisi fluid dan kecenderungan korosi. Desain packer: Desain packer ini penting untuk dilakukan pada saat awal karena sangat menentukan untuk masalah well connection, sealing yang dibutuhkan, dan apakah bisa diretrieve kembali atau tidak. Masih banyak lagi desain completion yang spesifik dibutuhkan untuk well, misalnya artificial lifting, gravel pack completion, fracturing, stimulation, belum lagi tool-tool downhole completion yang sudah canggih seperti sliding sleeve door, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan….yang ga kalah penting, design well completion harus mempertimbangkan masalah timing yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk designnya. Karena, ga lucu kan kalo baru beberapa bulan setelah dicompletion, eh tau-tau well udah ga bisa produksi lagi..atau…well masih diproduksi tapi equipmentnya sudah tidak dapat mengakomodasi lagi. Untuk itulah, beberapa well terutama yang menggunakan completion artificial lifting dan gravel pack, harus diservis dan dimaintenance secara teratur. Hal ini tentunya untuk urusan safety juga. Memang ribet tapi menarik..kalo selama ini aku hanya lihat dari segi kerjaanku aja, yaitu perfo di interval yang udah ditentukan, dengan ukuran gun dan jenis charge yang udah ditentukan saja. Menarik juga belajar soal completion well dari awal hingga akhir.. Seperti hari ini, aku job squeeze perfo untuk menembak interval yang cement bonding dengan formasinya masih jelek. Selama ini yang kutau,, squeeze perforation dilakukan di interval shale untuk mengisolasi chanelling dari air ke oil/gas. Namun, entah kenapa tadi PEnya malah ingin squeeze di dekat interval yang ada airnya, apa ya pertimbangannya? Aku ga sempet nanya.. Jadi inget juga kemarin,, aku job CBL di well yang Top of Cementnya hingga 40 ft..entah untuk apa mereka memberikan cement setinggi itu untuk well..Bukankah cement critical di interval perforation? Untuk apa ya dicement banyak2? Masih menyisakan pertanyaan soal macam2 completion ini..Saatnya belajar..
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